
  • Through their participation to the Unblocked Cash Project, small vendors and local businesspeople are now at the centre of a technology and banking revolution.

    UnBlocked Cash Project: using blockchain technology to revolutionize humanitarian aid

    14 April 2021
  • Ulita Mutambo’s husband Muchineripi Sibanda helps her hang up laundry outside their home in Ture Village, Zvishevane region, Zimbabwe.  Credit: d'Unienville/Oxfam

    Our finances and accountability

    10 October 2019
  • ogb_78825_nepal_220x150.jpg

    Walking the talk

    23 September 2018
  • Africa Center for Energy Policy in Ghana interviews a government official regarding a project financed with oil revenues. Credit: George Osodi/Panos for Oxfam America

    Contract Disclosure Survey 2018

    2 May 2018
  • Aminata Jalloh, 26, Cash Grant Farmer- Katumbo (near Kabala Town). Photo: Tommy Trenchard/Oxfam

    Transparency is more than dollars and cents

    10 September 2017
  • Oil, gas and mining transparency initiative facing crisis of relevance and legitimacy: Oxfam

    23 February 2016
  • Ebola funds impossible to track

    31 January 2016