Recommendations for the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document for the UN Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Fecha de publicación: 24 Junio 2015
Autor/a: Takumo Yamada/David Taylor, Oxfam

Governments are negotiating the outcome document for this September's United Nations Summit to Adopt the Post 2015 Development Agenda - a set of promises the world leaders will make to all people on this planet for the next 15 years.

The co-facilitators of the negotiation process released their Zero Draft for the document, which the government missions at the United Nations will be negotiating for the next months.

This is Oxfam's critical analysis and recommendations for improvement, so that the new agenda will be better equipped to ensure every human being can enjoy their human rights and live free from the injustices of poverty, inequality, and suffering, on a planet that has the natural resources to sustain them.