Oxfam's Reaction to Israeli forces destroying Palestinian water reservoir

Publié: 19th décembre 2019

Israeli military forces destroyed a Swedish-funded water reservoir worth more than EUR 53.000 in the Palestinian community of Einnoun, east of the city of Tubas in the Occupied West Bank. Built by Oxfam and its local partners, the water reservoir would have irrigated 1200 dunums of agricultural lands, and supported 200 families (1200 people).

Oxfam Country Director, Shane Stevenson said: “This community has been left devastated, not knowing when the army will return to destroy their final remaining sources of fresh water. 200 families are scared and intimidated by these type of military incursions, which systematically deny Palestinians their basic rights, including the right to water.”

“We stand with the community to call on the Swedish government and the EU to publicly condemn this needless and unjust demolition in the strongest terms and request full compensation. We also call on all member states to increase their support and protection to these communities,” Mr Stevenson said.

Community members and project beneficiaries Shadi and Wael Daraghmeh stated: “We had high hopes for this reservoir as it was supposed to address the insufficiency of the water supply. With insufficient water supply, agricultural diseases will spread, production will deteriorate and farmers will suffer significant losses.”

The demolition also affected around 30 neighboring herders, 10 sheep farms and 4 chicken farms in the surrounding area. The water reservoir would have saved families money on their monthly water bills, providing water at a lower price than private companies.

In the same area on the same day, Israeli authorities demolished another water reservoir (1000 cubic-meter) that was used as an irrigation source for Palestinian farmers in the surrounding area and to supply drinking water to five Palestinian herding communities.

2019 has seen a dramatic increase in destruction of Palestinian property in the West Bank including East Jerusalem. So far this year, nearly 50,000 Palestinians have been affected by the destruction of their animal shelters, water cisterns and networks, agricultural roads, commercial structures, and other properties.[1]


[1] https://www.ochaopt.org/content/increase-destruction-palestinian-property-west-bank-including-east-jerusalem


Adeline Guerra, +972 (0)59 293 4018  / Whatsapp: +44 746 4630 283

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