Oxfam reaction to promising US/China climate agreement

Publié: 12th novembre 2014

In response to the announcement from US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping of new greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, Heather Coleman, climate policy manager for Oxfam said:
“This politically significant commitment adds new momentum to international efforts to address climate change, which is already damaging communities and contributing to hunger and poverty around the world. The US and China deserve praise for showing global cooperation and leadership to help break through the political stalemate. The scientific evidence is clear that more can and must be done to strengthen these pledges if we are going to protect our children’s future. All of the major emitting countries, including China and the US, must ensure this is a stepping stone to more ambitious commitments.”


Ben Grossman-Cohen; tel: +1 (202) 777 2907; bgrossman-cohen@oxfamamerica.org

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Read more on how climate change is making people hungry.