Oxfam reacts to latest draft text at the UN climate conference in Lima

Publié: 12th décembre 2014

In response to the new draft text of a Lima agreement Jan Kowalzig, policy advisor for Oxfam, said:
“This text needs significant improvement. The options presented are like a choose your own adventure novel, some could put us on a barely workable path heading into Paris, while others may doom us to a dangerous future. The ingredients for some progress in Lima are on the table, but negotiators need to have the courage to use them. Unless the text improves, whatever options negotiators choose over the next day will leave many very difficult issues unresolved and keep the world headed down a treacherous road towards extreme warming.”


Please contact Ben Grossman-Cohen, Oxfam Media Officer, in Lima at +51 949 728 813  or bgrossman-cohen@oxfamamerica.org.

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