Our worldwide campaign launched in 2018 with a global report, “Ripe for Change”, and a series of country-specific case studies, which expose the root causes behind the human suffering in the global food supply chains of supermarkets.
In 2019 our research and focus on workers rights, showed how these food supply chains can be rife with violations of human, labour and women’s rights. This wealth of information shows us just how important it is to push our supermarkets to do better.You can access all these resources here.
Global campaign reports
This report presents compelling new evidence that supermarket shareholders and owners are some of the biggest winners in the Covid-19 pandemic, while women workers are losing out.
Workers’ rights in supermarket supply chains
This report shows the scale of human suffering in food production in India and Brazil linked to international supermarket supply chains.
This report launches Oxfam’s campaign to expose the root causes behind human suffering in food supply chains and to mobilize the power of people around the world to help end it.
Supermarket responsibilities for supply chain workers' rights
This report assesses recent progress in realizing workers' rights in seafood supply chains originating in Southeast Asia.
Case studies
Addressing the human cost of Assam tea
An agenda for change to respect, protect and fulfil human rights on Assam tea plantations
A fair share for Georgia’s grape growers
Despite the rapid growth of Georgia’s wine industry, small-scale grape growers are continuing to live in poverty.
Human suffering in Italy’s agricultural value chain
The endemic exploitation of farm workers in Italy who supply supermarkets across Europe.
The plight of pineapple and banana workers in retail supply chains
Continuing evidence of rights violations in Costa Rica and Ecuador
Tuzamurane Pineapple Cooperative, Rwanda
Empowering small-scale farmers to benefit from the global market
Enabling local producers to meet rising demand in West Africa’s dairy sector .
Sweet Fruits, Bitter Lives
Brazil is the third largest producer of fruit in the world, but does not guarantee decent wages and conditions for most fruit workers.
Behind your shopping
An analysis of corporate responsibility in human rights in the supply chains of Brazil’s largest supermarkets.
Coffee Stain
This report exposes the violations of basic rights of rural workers on coffee plantations in Brazil, addressing the responsibility of supermarkets, cooperatives and other large companies.
National annexes