Indigenous women from the Peruvian Andes during a Farmer Field School training on pests in Nusta Pakana, at 4000 m. Credit: Ilvy Njiokiktjien/Oxfam
We believe that we can only bring about lasting solutions to the injustice of poverty by joining our efforts and expertise with others. For that reason, we work together with more than 2,248 partner organizations, as well as allies and communities in 79 countries. Collectively, we reached more than 15.5 million people worldwide last 2022-2023 through our long-term development, advocacy and emergency programs, 51% of whom were women and girls.
Click on the map to see what we are doing in each country.
Countries map

Our reach and scale: Oxfam Annual Report 2022-2023
Our new Annual Report is packed with stories that tell us that change isn’t just possible – it’s happening. The report covers our work as Oxfam globally. It is an expression of our collective effort. It is a response forged by women’s rights advocates, water engineers, shop volunteers, health campaigners and young activists. It’s a response in which Oxfam supports leaders and communities to speak truth to power.