
  • A computer classroom in Oneputa Combined School, northern Namibia. The Namibian government is committed to reducing inequality and secondary education is free for all students. Photo: John Hogg/World Bank

    The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index

    16 July 2017
  • Margaret Mumbua, 46, a domestic worker, heading to work from her house in the informal settlement of Mukuru kwa Reuben, Nairobi, Kenya. 2016. Photo: Allan Gichigi/Oxfam

    Making Tax Vanish

    13 July 2017
  • Opening the Vaults: The use of tax havens by Europe’s biggest banks

    Opening the vaults

    27 March 2017
  • A women participates in an Oxfam cash for work program after the Nepal Earthquake

    Women and the 1%

    11 April 2016