The situation of Dinka agro-pastoralist communities in Lakes and Warrap States
In South Sudan, widespread euphoria following independence in July 2011 has given way to disappointment that expected peace dividends have not materialized. Many South Sudanese are experiencing insecurity, a lack of access to basic services, and increasing inequalities. Pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in remote border areas are particularly affected by insecurity and by a lack of social services, and women are particularly marginalized.
This report is the result of Oxfam research to enable the needs and views of conflict-affected communities to be voiced, heard, and addressed, particularly in relation to security and livelihoods and with an emphasis on women’s participation. It focuses on the security concerns expressed by the communities themselves: conflict within and between communities, cattle raiding, and violence against women.
More on Oxfam's work in South Sudan
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