
  • Reaction to UNSC's Gaza ceasefire resolution

    11 June 2024
  • Oxfam reaction to the Global Report on Food Crises 2024

    24 April 2024
  • Reaction to the G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement

    19 April 2024
  • Oxfam reaction: Israeli government announces Erez Crossing and Ashdod Port will now allow humanitarian aid into Gaza

    5 April 2024
  • Oxfam reaction to the UN Security Council's call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

    25 March 2024
  • South Sudan: More than 300 people share a single water tap, as transit centers hold three times their capacity, increasing risk of cholera outbreak – warns Oxfam 

    28 February 2024
  • UKRAINE: 42 civilian causalities every day in two years of war

    22 February 2024
  • Rafah, Gaza: Urgent Statement from CEOs of Humanitarian & Human Rights Organizations

    15 February 2024
  • Oxfam reaction to Yemen airstrikes

    12 January 2024