For local communities and indigenous peoples, land rights are not just an abstract concept – they're a matter of survival. But all too often they are ignored or denied. And it affects us all.
These communities play a key role in feeding the world. They look after many of the world’s ecosystems, preserve cultural diversity and help combat poverty and hunger.
But companies and governments looking to make a profit are appropriating their land for agriculture, infrastructure and mining projects.
This threatens their ability to put food on their table and ours. And increasingly, as communities stand up to defend their rights and protect the planet, they are threatened, violently evicted, and even killed.
You can support them. Join hundreds of communities, organizations, activists, women and men from every corner of the world, by demanding land rights now.

Why indigenous and community land rights matter for everyone
The failure to recognize community land rights not only undermines the human rights of local people. It also threatens humanity’s ability to achieve food security and fight climate change.